Friday 28 June 2013

Rubybox Tools: Foundation Brush

If you didn't know, I really love Rubybox. So, it makes me happy that they have their own brand of beauty products in the form of Rubybox Tools. Tools make me happy. I can hardly imagine what our made up faces would look like without tools. Well, I can, but it's not as pretty as with tools.

Out of the few that I have, we should probably start at the beginning (of our routines) with their Foundation Brush.

It's a flat, medium-sized foundation brush, with tapered bristles that are soft yet firm. Because I'm such a hygiene-enthusiast I clean foundation brushes after every use (unless I'm rushing in which case I do a quick clean on a makeup removing wipe and wash it later), and it's kept it's shape after 6 months of use. I also don't recall seeing one of these bristles on my face or décolleté after makeup application: a problem I've had before with other professional brushes. I've never loved a flat foundation brush as much as I have this one, and I love that it's tapered. I've used flat-edged ones before that don't blend very well. Different strokes for different folks.

In terms of application method, it's great for product economy as you use less product than you would if you just smeared it on your face with your hands. It works well to apply your daily moisturizer if you like all that faffing on your face. The blending ability is good...for most foundation products. I don't necessarily think that the fault is in the brush, but rather with the texture/medium of certain products. I love applying my tinted moisturizer with this brush and it works perfectly for that, but as mentioned in one of my BB Cream reviews, I looked like I was coated with butter, ready to go into the oven, when I used it with that specific product and needed to blend with my fingers afterwards.

This brush is so gentle that although it probably works best in linear strokes, you could use it in circular motions if you so wished without "pulling" on the skin. The size is also perfect to apply product to the eye area. You can apply your foundation or the like under your eye and get right up to the lower lash line and blend it without getting product on your lashes or in your eye. Same goes for the upper lid. I can easily control the brush to get product right up to my eyebrow without letting it touch my brows.

I also use this brush to apply cream blush. Say whaaat?! Yes, that's right. I have really cold hands and this makes it hard to apply cream blush evenly, most of the time. The product doesn't melt into my skin nicely and look very natural when my hands are super cold and it feels like I'm trying to colour in my cheeks with new pastels, all while PULLING my skin. I hate skin pulling so much. Also, the product seems to be "softer" in it's compact than on my icy fingers. And when I don't have all the time in the world and sometimes have to apply my makeup in the car after touching the keys to unlock the front door, the security gate, then lock the front door and security gate, open the front gate that needs some extra loving via a push, close the front gate that now needs to be pulled, open the car door, close the car door and then put on my hands are no longer hygienic and sanitary enough for me to be touching my face. So why not use a brush instead? Saves me a whole lot of potential problems and anxiety. I have a reactive skin, okay, stop judging. I do NOT have OCD. And the results are great.

If you've been thinking of getting a foundation brush but haven't yet decided on one, this one is definitely worth a try. Plus, that matt black handle looks so smart and classy.

Rubybox Tools Foundation Brush retails at R149.95 at

Rubybox is currently running a competition, in search of a brand ambassador, called RubyRoyal. I've entered and would appreciate your vote. Go team! *shakes pom poms*

To hit me up with votes click and "vote" if you're on a PC or Laptop. Unfortunately, that link doesn't work from mobile devices. I have no idea why, I'm technically tehnologically challenged. If you're on a mobile device click HERE, then "View entries" and click on my video "Elana, Cape Town" and vote. All your support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :-)

Miss B

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