Monday 21 March 2011

More of your skin type...

If after the last post, you were still confused and/or unsure of your skin type, maybe this could help you.

Consider the following when determining your skin type:

Skin colour:

Sallow (dull, yellowish) - if not due to a genetic factor, it could indicate greasy skin

Redness may indicate a more vascular skin, meaning you probably have a thin/fine skin allowing underlying blood vessels to show through. This is associated with dry, sensitive skins.

Paler skins may also indicate dryness, but with less sensitivity.

Skin texture

Dry skins may feel fine&smooth to an extent, depending on the degree of dryness. If your skin is flaky, it will obviously feel rough.

Oily skins may also feel smooth, but more likely they feel grainy and may feel bumpy to the touch if you're suffering from a breakout at the moment or if you've got papules,pustules or post-acne scarring.

Pore size
Dilated pores usually indicate an oily skin due to the constant sebaceous activity. (Oil is constantly being secreted)
Dilated pores may also indicate a previously oily skin in mature clients who most probably have drier skins.
Dry skins have contsricted pores and it is barely, if at all, evident.

Sebaceous gland activity
Oily skin usually has an oily residue, especially towards the centre of the face. Oilier skins will therefore have more "oil" present on the skin. (DUH!)

Skin elasticity and muscle tone indicate maturity of skin, but you needn't worry about that just yet, do you?

For guys/males/dudes/boys/men (whichever you prefer), the same applies when determining your skin type (see above and previous post, and don't let the chick-pictures scare you). Because of androgenic hormones, most male skin types remain "oilier" for a longer period of time compared to the skin types of women. There are also not as many skin type specific products on the market for men. Also it may become more complicated as many of you are prone to pseudofolliculitis (barbae)... Razor burn and ingrown hairs due to shaving. Some of you may even have a complete breakout where you shave. This doesn't necessarily mean you have stage 4 acne, so relax. If this happens to you, you may be sensitive to an ingredient in your shaving preparation (gel, cream, oil, foam/mousse, heaven-forbid soap), or your technique may not be as great as you think. Yeah, apparently there are techniques for shaving.

Miss B

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